Work With Me
While I am honored to do a keynote or a workshop at your company, most of my clients want me to work alongside them, roll up my sleeves, and get involved in solving their specific challenges. I love this part! My consulting work is always customized for your company’s needs and budget, but here are a few ways it could work.
Work With Me
While I am honored to do a keynote or a workshop at your company, most of my clients want me to work alongside them, roll up my sleeves, and get involved in solving their specific challenges. I love this part! My consulting work is always customized for your company’s needs and budget, but here are a few ways it could work.

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month engagement
month engagement
month engagement
There are three distinct ways I bring my A-game to the table:
This is about understanding your customers. Why do they behave the way they do? What do we need to know, which users can tell us, and where can we best solicit insights from them? Call it user research. Call it human factors. Call it customer insights. This is when I design, conduct, and analyze a research project that drills down to the answers you need.
This is about using customer insights to design new features, products, or programs– or to tweak the ones you have. If we understand our users, we can prototype, experiment, and build solutions more efficiently for better engagement. This is when I work hand in hand with your product creators to suggest, prototype and test the exact features you need.
This is about understanding your customers and translating those insights into new product or program features. This is the full monty, the holy grail, the cat’s pajamas. Since I design it from the ground up, we 1) get the precise insights we need from the research and then 2) turn that into the exact solution you need. I’m there in the thick of it with you through the implementation phase, working alongside your team to put it all together and make sure it’s working right.
Intrigued? Want to see how working together can benefit your organization? Me too. I can’t wait to hear from you.
Send me an email at
Are you a small business plugging along, kicking ass and taking names, but recently something doesn’t quite feel right. Maybe something just isn’t working the way you think it should. It feels like you’re swimming against the current when it used to feel like you were doing graceful laps. Don’t worry, I can help. I’m trained to see the little holes, the tiny missing pieces that you can’t possibly see because you’re just too close. It’s my job to step in and showing you all the things that you’re doing right, all the places you’re getting real traction and find all the places where you just need to course correct 4 degrees to the left. Together we find out exactly what is working, double down on that and fix all the little kinks in the chain.

“I was astonished by how much Steph could see into my business, illuminating things that had mystified me before. Her combination of data and insight was invaluable, and she saved me from a very costly mistake. For a small business owner like me, this kind of keen understanding of where a process wasn’t working is a game-changer, because I don’t have endless funds to blindly keep throwing at the wall, just hoping that something sticks! The best part was that all of her recommendations were crazy simple to implement, and I could see immediately what an impact they will have right away, as well as in the coming years. I can’t recommend her highly enough.”
– Anna Kunnecke, Founder, Declare Dominion